In the nineties those representing the extreme metal scene in Serbia were quite rare. Talking about the scene and the death metal genre we must certainly notice the band Scaffold. In 1993 the band released their first demo, following their first album “The other side of reality” in 1994. Fourteen years later, in 2008, they had their comeback, and a year later they record an EP “Like Devil in the Church” which was released in 2015 by “Taurunum Records”. Exactly this EP made us say something more about this veteran Serbian death metal band and take our devilish steps trough the church altar.
Overture to this mini album is the intro “Like Devil in the Church” which begins with sound effects that symbolize the dark secret of the clerical life (unlocking an old church doors followed by echoing footsteps of a monk walking through the church hallway). The entry says in favor of the chronologically composed tale that this EP brings. “Like Devil in the Church” is an emotional and fairy-tale melodic piece which takes you in another dimension – the world of Scaffold tales. The slow acoustic performance is interrupted by a fast and striking song called “Murder with clear conscience”. Classical dirty oldschool rhythm brought trough piercing recognizable Scaffolds vocal are fusing in a whole along with biting death metal riffs. In the second half of this song an exceptional guitar solo stands out. In the mere end of the piece a very describing theatrical melody strikes trough, and the song itself abounds accurately combined bridges.The next song, “A night to remember”, is a very energetic, raw and brutal piece, and it brings you the theme with its evil guitar riffs. Next comes the song “I, Caesar” which will certainly leave every true lover of heavy sound breathless. An outstanding piece filled with fast guitar parts, with a unique refrain that caches your ears even after first listening. In the end, Scaffold brings us the cover of a song “Suicidal Future” from an old Belgrade’s band Bloodbath.

Inside the covers of this EP there is a small history of this band for all new fans to read and discover everything about Scaffold and its lineup. Covers are designed by GSall of Scaffold, lyrics and music was written by Ivica Dujic (vocals) and in charge of the producing was Srdjan Brankovic. All true lovers of extreme metal genres and death metal sound should certainly have this EP in their collection and listen to this story brought by old school death metal veterans. The band Scaffold has definitely came back, but is this just a beginning of something bigger? We shall find out soon!