Eris - 10 Years of Blasphemy and Sicknesses

Genre: Black Metal
Label: Grim Reaper Records 
Fomat: CD
Our view : 81 %

In the times when it wasn’t so popular having a black metal band in Serbia, when only few determined accepted this dark art, an idea about a band was born. The band that will be neglected by many as too raw and underground in fact was the one that painted the history of this genre in Serbia. Always beneath the darkness, darker than the underground, loyal to their belief has filled our tape recorders and CD players with roughest and rawest black metal madness for thirteen years and thrust many honest dark followers into a total blasphemy and built their perception of raw underground sounds of the most honest dark souls. Born in a small town, with no big money and protected posing mum’s and dad’s sons, this band has created the otherworldly art that will be talked about and crushed all soft and sweet metal sounds with its brutal satanic message, as bloody as its music is. If you still enjoy the hits of mainstream black metal pussies it is time to enter a deeper dimension and meet the world beneath the underground, a fucking sound from the bowls of hell. It’s time for Eris.

The compilation “10 Years of Blasphemy and Sicknesses”, that we’ve had the chance to hear, is a significant black metal piece, not only for the band itself but the whole Serbian black metal scene. The compilation was published in 2012, at the time when Eris was celebrating their tenth anniversary, and by its author’s opinion it contains the darkest corners and works of the band since their foundation till 2012. As we’ve mentioned, this a historical heritage of one of the rawest, deepest and blackest bands of this kind on our scene. The whole 10 years of inhabiting the underground and expressing a new dimension that Eris represents is certainly the thing that metal followers should recognize. This compilation starting with the song “Awaiting Destiny”, that was also the first one on their first demo “Symbol of Madness”, and all up to the last one, “Unholy”, depicts a clear message to their loyal auditory. It is rare to hear so many blackness, rust and uncompromised attitude anywhere, let alone on our scene. Have you ever wondered what the feeling of the deepest hell is? If you can’t even imagine that Eris will certainly help you! The sound that fucking breaks your eardrums and takes you to a bloodlust reality is a symbol of this unusual band’s insanity. Terror that represents antichristian baptism with vocals of Eris explained to the new kids how does the old masters school of dark arts sound. Also, Necro with his diabolical guitar riffs, as well as Count Zero That is literally performing an exorcism on his drums have capsuled this band into a completely new dimension that will surely be recognized by their fans. Sick blasphemy, just as it suits this band, has been brought by this album published by “Grim Reaper Records”. Cristophe Szpajdel, well known for his excellent work, takes credits for the logo.

A smooth and sophisticated production is not a goal that this band pursuits or is lead by this. That is comprehensible regarding the fact that the darkest dimension that this band represents couldn’t be depicted with something refined and soft, but only with raw and rough bloody legacy of black metal sound. Besides the darkest underground arts, Eris also represents all that is absurd, bizarre and unusual. If you’re committed to black metal sound and this kind of dark art, you should definitely get your copy of this compilation, because what it brings can change your idea of music and open your ears to the sound of true fucking sickness and blasphemy. Many years have passed, but Eris goes on. It’s a huge question of what we could expect, ‘cause these boys won’t stop. They were here when many of you weren’t, and they still will be when you leave. The raw sound can’t die because it’s already dead, and the only thing that will last are the years of blasphemy and sickness together with Eris…


1.Awaiting Destiny  
2.Desecration of the White Christ  
3.Unholy Maria 
5.Symbols of Madness  
6.Vampire (Aleister Crowley)  
7.Tyranny of Longinus 
8.Ave Satanas  
9.Cursed Messiah  
10.Father I Have Sinned  
11.The Coming of Darkness  
12.Thou Shall Rise  
13.Hristov Pad  
15.The Coming of Darkness (Version 2)  

Superhammer on the Urban Fest in Inđija on the July 5th!

Superhammer & Scott Reagers (Saint Vitus)

Sludge/Stoner Rock/metal band Superhammer from Inđija, who triggered some intense but positive reactions amongst fans of this genre in Serbia and abroad, will perform on 5th July on Urban Fest in Inđija. As a reminder, they published their first album „Snakenest“ at the end of 2014 for „Miner Recordings“. We’ve recently had the chance to hear them as a support  to a legendary machinery Saint Vitus on June 7th in „Dom Omladine“.

Urban Fest  2015 is a project with a goal to promote young artists in the sphere of film, music and visual arts, and it will take place from 2nd to 5th July. All young artists from Inđija and Serbia will have the chance to promote themselves. The netrance is free of charge, and it will be organised at sports fields at the Cultural centre of Inđija.

We would like to mention that besides Superhammer other Belgrade’s metal bands like Jenner (Spped/heavy metal),Centurion (Ethno/prog/heavy), Space Eater (thrash metal), Putrid Blood (thrash/hardcore from Šid) and Alitor (Prog/thrash metal from Inđija) will perform on the 3rd July on Urban Fest.

Phenomenal Swedes again in Belgrade!

Swedish heavy-metal heroes, Sabaton, are coming to Belgrade again, this time to promote their current album “Heroes”. For those who are not familiar with their work, the Sabaton sound is based on power and speed metal, and the main motives of their music are history and wars, especially major conflicts like WWI and WWII. Lead by the powerful baritone Joakim Broden, since 1999 Sabaton has published seven studio albums and acquired a huge army of loyal fans from all over the world. Thanks to the series of phenomenal concerts they gained a large number of fans in Serbia. Dedicated metalheads like to say that “Metal is war” and only the few bands acknowledge the art of war as well as Sabaton does!

Tickets on sale from June 24th on special price 2000RSD 

From July 7th presale price 2600RSD 
At the entrance 3000RSD

You can buy your tickets at Eventim, 
Felix (Belgrade) and Mungos shop in Novi Sad!

Redenik/Nadimač/Pro-Past - Krezivi revolt

Finally a 3 way split tape Krezivi revolt, which includes bands Redenik, Nadimač and Pro-past is out. We must mention that this Thrash metal/ Crossover & Grind/Crust split represents another edition of pure underground speed punk .This is a small but significant contribution to serbian underground scene,and another proof of artistic connection of bands and people who support  brutal, fast and extreme music tune. Split tape is limited to 81 copies, and you can purchase it from the jesboligakuracrecords and from the bands themselves. Price is 250 RSD + ptt (3 euros + shipping). This old school street therapy will shake your guts, and bring you back to your roots.  

1.Redenik - Unakaženi um
2.Redenik - Krštenje metkom
3.Nadimač - Smrt autoriteta
4.Nadimač - Grad ispod grada
5.Nadimač - Teslin tenk
6.Pro-past - Orgija
7.Pro-past - Apokalipsa
8.Pro-past - Destructive minds
9.Pro-past - Autopsija
10.Pro-past - Putrefaction (Rolling Stones cover)


Long awaited fourth album "Manifest protiv sudbine", of Belgrade’s thrashers Nadimač is finally available! This veteran machinery published this album for the German record label “Witches Brew”. Let us remind you that these guys were quite busy lately releasing 3 new videos for songs on this album: “Stakleni zidovi klanice”, “Jebe mi se” and “Retardiran za skejt”. These videos caused mostly positive and strong reactions from all thrash punx not only in Serbia, but in the whole region and beyond. A thrilling fact is that all of their friends will have the chance to attend the promotion of Nadimač’s new album at Klub Studenata Tehnike, in Belgrade, on the 2nd July. They will be supported by their street comrades Vox Populi, a new heavy/speed force Prisoner and grindcore maniacs Shovel. Along with the plentiful merch, friends of Nadimač will be able to purchase the newest Nadimač’s T-shirts in four colors together with the new album at the price of 1200 RSD. Buy your copy of their new album and support true street comrades, and we will see you on 2nd July at the Manifest.


British punk Vice Squad for the first time in Serbia!

One of the most significant bands of the second wave British punk, Vice Squad, lead by the magnificent Beki Bondage, is playing in Serbia on Exit festival. On 9th July they will be rocking the most extreme Explosive stage. Their last album “Cardboard Country” was published with the help of their fans in December 2014, for their own label “Last Rockers” therefore preserving classical principles of DIY punk philosophy, without any help of managers, agencies, publishers or labels. Since their return on the scene they’ve published as much as nine studio albums (12 in total) and played many club concerts and festivals. Constant tours all around Britain, Europe and the States have made their influence on them sounding better than ever. Speaking in favor of that fact is their performance in the crowded biggest hall on the last year’s prestige punk festival “Rebellion” in Blackpool.Vigorous enthusiasm and young energy still crown Beki Bondage and the Vice Squad. The date and the location are known, Thursday 9th July, Exit festival, Explosive Stage… Let’s all join the first lines!

The fiercest stage in Balkans, the Explosive Stage on Exit festival, will be the hardest ever hosting the big names like Fear Factory, Napalm Death, Nuclear Assault, Terror, Creepshow and many others.

Kobold - Madman's Overture

Genre: Thrash Metal 
                                                                                   Label: LOM
Fomat: CD
Our view : 83 %

In the past few years thrash metal wave has started to raven and fill concert halls all over again. In justified or unjustified hysteria of glorifying Thrash metal sound, we must admit that every now and then we can find a good and somewhat original band, so we can say that the situation in Serbia is similar. Some of the Extreme Review magazine crew recently had the opportunity to attend a thrash band Kuga’s gig in Belgrade. Kuga performed along with a young metal band named Lethalik. Even on the first listening they left an impression that Lethalik gathers some very skillful guys, and that they make a quality sound despite the fact that they are quite new on Belgrade’s underground scene. That same impression hasn’t fooled us when we unintentionally ran up against an EP of a new band Kobold. Analyzing certain stuff we realized that the band Kobold is actually the same fresh meat of Lethalik crew, only painted in thrash colors with a fully professional approach to music and all backing details. The band Kobold is formed in 2015 by the guys who played by the name Lethalik since 2012. Only two weeks ago, on 19th May, Kobold released their first EP in a big style. The EP is named “Madman’s Overture” and it was released by the label “LOM”.

The first thing we’ve noticed is that they made quite an effort with the design of the EP. Some may think that this is irrelevant but it’s a great plus, because it shows that this crew really cares for presenting themselves in the very best light. The artwork was done by Pedja Glinevski, and the booklet is the whole twelve pages long. The EP represents a mixture of influences by classical thrash bands that rocked the ’80, and newer Crossover/Thrash bands especially considering the vocals. Lead guitar literally echoes through this EP in the best possible way. Without the lead guitar, which was played by Rigonat Elio (also playing the bass and backing vocals), this EP wouldn’t be able to boast with this kind of gleam as it has now. First in the row is the song “Ravisher”, next comes “Die Hard” and the closing song, personally my favorite, is “Killing for God”. It is very important to mention that the sound production is at a very high level and it completely meets all the criteria for the basic representation of a band.

As for the reviews, some may resent the fact that they have only three tracks on this EP. We would certainly like to hear more from Kobold on this CD, but we must honestly say that even with these three songs they presented themselves completely fine and adequate, and we’re impatiently waiting for what they will offer in the future. All in all, all thrash lovers should listen to what Kobold has cooked for them, and be sure that if they continue like this Kobold will certainly be the name that is carefully followed.

Paimonia – Disease Named Humanity

Genre: Black/Death Metal
Label: Humanity's Plague Productions 
Fomat: CD
Our view : 86 %

Nihilism and misanthropy is again on the extreme review’s menu. This time, we’ve had the chance to listen to Paimonia’s album “Disease Named Humanity”, which remained popular despite the fact that it has been released in 2013 on a tape edition. The band Paimonia comes from Novi Sad, the members are B.V (Vocals, Guitars, Bass) and N.P.V (Drums). In the spring of 2014 the album was released on a CD by “Humanity’s Plague Productions”. Just this edition has arrived to our CD players, and in the next few lines we will bring this black/death devastation closer to you.

A rusty melody of doom signifies the beginning of the story that this album tells. Exactly, we are talking about the first song on the album named “As Plague Scourge This World Apart”. Brutal double bass kick drums with filthy but melodic guitar parts enrich this antihuman story just in the way that’s expected.  Misanthropic devastating rage is pursued in the song “Contagion Through Aeons” which rays with slow theatrical bridges fusing with voice of a guest vocal on the last verse of this song – Paolo Bruno (Thy Light, Desdominus). Alluring melody of the acoustic guitar on the very beginning of the third song “Ruined From Catharsis” is interrupted by a strong and powerful guitar part that will literally take you to the black empire of Paimonia. The chaotic ride is continued in the fourth song “Depth Within Nothingness Called Life”. A sick guitar intro will clear all your doubts whether this album is worth having in your collection. Also, an interesting fact is that the guest performer in this song is a violinist Andrijana Rajić, which is quite rare and unusual, but in its own way magnificently fused with the song. “I curse your view of the light” is an artistic message that is brought in the song “Resurgence of Malice”. Next-to-last song “Funeral of Decaying World” is lyrically closing this well composed album, while the instrumental Opus VII (Through The Endless Phantasmagoria) is carving it into the history.

It is important to say that the vocal B.V certainly has the color that is not so common among this genre, which makes the Paimonia stand out from classical copy/paste bands and projects of this genre and it builds its own special and very unique story. Also, we’re talking about young but very experienced artists who have brought their endeavor to a very high level in production as well as in musical and lyrical sense. The only little and not so important criticism refers to the design, though very authentic, modern and related to the text itself, in our opinion not enough ambitious, detailed and dramatic for this brutal album. Anyway, all loyal and tough lovers of black art of doom should have to listen to what Paimonia offers and definitely buy this album because they certainly won’t regret it!